Professional Fitness Trainer – Proven Tips to Maximise Muscle Recovery
Regardless of what you might read on some fitness blogs, there is no better way to help our body muscles to recover than by eating healthy foods and getting a sound sleep. Unfortunately, many people believe that they need additional supplements to achieve results from the workouts. We do not deny that the supplements have benefits, but you will not enhance your performance unless you take care of the basics. Thus, this blog will categorically present you with the best and most effective tips from professional fitness trainers on maximising muscle recovery.
1. Protein post-workout
When you exercise, the proteins that make up the muscle fibres will become damaged. Consuming protein after the workout will offer your body the raw materials needed to repair muscle damage.
2. Protein pre-workout
When you eat protein before you work out, it will help to increase muscle protein synthesis.
3. Carbohydrates post-workout
According to professional fitness trainers, during short-duration and intense exercise, the muscles use glycogen as the primary energy source. Suppose you need to quickly restore glycogen levels in less than four hours, especially while performing back-to-back workouts. In that case, it is recommended to consume 1.2 g/kg of body weight per hour with a focus on carbohydrates with a glycaemic index (GI) over 70.
4. Eating an Overall Balanced Diet
Eating an overall healthy diet can ensure you don't get any nutrient deficiencies that might impair the muscle's ability to recover.
1. Stay hydrated
Dehydration can enhance your muscle's ability to repair themselves. You will feel dehydrated if you exercise in hot and humid weather conditions. It is recommended to drink 16 to 24 ounces of fluid for every point you lose while exercising.
2. Tart Cherry Juice
As per professional fitness trainers, tart cherry juice after exercise reduces inflammation, muscle soreness and muscle damage from exercise. A typical dose includes 480 millilitres per day, about 1.6 ounces.
1. Sleep More
Sleep offers the necessary time for the muscles to recover from exercise. People who exercise intensely need more rest than the average person. Professional fitness trainers recommend sleeping 10 hours per night. According to research, sleep deprivation might impair muscle recovery by impairing the body's inflammation reaction and increasing the production of hormones that increase muscle growth.
2. Massage
A lot of athletes include massage in their training to reduce muscle soreness. According to a review in 2020, it was found that massage has a small yet significant effect on improving flexibility and reducing muscle soreness after exercise.
3. Compression Garments
Wearing compression garments has become common among many athletes throughout the last decades. This is because compression garments help in recovering muscles, especially when you wear them for a long time.
4. Contrast Bath Therapy
Contrast bath therapy includes alternating periods of staying submerged in warm and cold water. The temperature change stimulates the contraction and dilation of the blood vessels and changes the heart rate. In addition, research has found that contrast bath therapy helps reduce muscle soreness post-workout.
5. Cryotherapy
This technique exposes your body to a very cold temperature for a few minutes. Research shows it can also enhance recovery by decreasing pain, muscle tiredness and inflammation after strenuous activity.
The amount of time it takes for the muscles to recover from exercise will depend on the fitness levels and the difficulty of the workout as well. The workout's intensity, duration, and volume are crucial in determining how it affects your body.