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Gym Tonic in Kalamunda – The Best Tips to Energize Your Workouts

If the last few months have challenged your motivation to hit the gym or eat healthily, it is time to refresh your workout routine. Don’t worry. In this blog, Gym Tonic in Kalamunda brings you the best ways to energize your workout. These tips will help you to achieve your goals, boost your nutrition and increase your fitness.

Setting Up New Goals

Setting up new fitness and nutrition goals is crucial to keep yourself motivated. Whether you are lifting heavy weights, running 5k on a treadmill or trying out new healthy recipes every week. Clear goals will offer you something to work towards and keep you focused. Gym Tonic in Kalamunda suggests creating small goals so they can be achieved easily. Make sure to do the following to develop short and achievable goals.
  • Is the goal clear and defined?
  • Can you track the goal? How will you know if you are making progress?
  • Is the goal challenging yet doable?
  • Is the goal relevant to your life purpose?
  • Can you assign a date to hold yourself more accountable?

What are the benefits of it?

Research has shown that proper goal setting enhances self-confidence and self-esteem and drives a higher success rate.

Mix and Match Things

Doing the same workout might become boring. Therefore, you should try mixing and matching things with new workouts and activities. This will motivate you to visit the gym and practice new workouts with the previous ones. It will challenge your body in new ways, and you might also discover a new passion. Also, you can make a new workout partner and make your daily exercises more enjoyable. Your partner will keep you accountable. Ask a friend or family member to join your workouts or join a fitness class or group to meet new people who will share your interests.

What are the benefits of it?

According to a study published in the Journal of Behavioral Medicine, trying new activities will help increase adherence to exercise over time. In addition, the individuals who engaged in various activities for more than a 12-week period are more likely to continue for six months compared to those who stuck to a single type of exercise or activity.

Consider Trying New Foods that will Fuel Your Workouts

As suggested by the expert trainers of Gym Tonic in Kalamunda, what you eat, will either help you or hinder your workout. There is no one-size-fits-all way to lose weight or continue exercising. The Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition found a positive impact of consuming a meal of 1-2 hours before training to enhance training performance. Generally, the best option is consuming a larger meal 2-3 hours before working out while adding smaller snacks closer to the training time. It is crucial to understand eating habits. If you are a late-night binger, you can opt for intermittent fasting. This might help you set the ground rules. Also, choosing a good combination of pre-workout will give you immediate and lasting energy. Combining quality carbohydrate snacks like bananas or oats with a small portion of fats will help you feel satiated for a longer time.

What are the Benefits of it?

To get most out of the training, studies have supported the idea that pre-exercise carbohydrate intake helps to increase your training performance. If you too are ready to take your fitness regime to the next level, Visit the Gym Tonic in Kalamunda today and experience the best fitness regime for your body. It is one of the most affordable gym in Kalamunda and the most popular one.